Sponsor Nicholas the Cougar for a Day or Week
Nicholas is a neutered male cougar (Puma concolor) who came to Noah’s Ark as a cub in 2008. He was surrendered by an exotic animal breeder because they knew he was unhealthy and unsellable and he came to us dehydrated, malnourished and plagued with internal and external parasites. Just when Nicholas seemed to be on the mend around a year of age, his health quickly declined and vets discovered that not only did he have very brittle bones and a weak immune system, but that he was in need of a life saving blood transfusion. To our knowledge, Nicholas was the first cougar to have a successful blood transfusion and it did indeed save his life. Just days after the procedure, his energy and appetite returned and he has since suffered from no other medical issues! Keepers continue to monitor Nicholas for any potential signs of illness, as they now know just how poor his genetics are due to irresponsible and probably inbreeding. He is now healthy and happy and we hope to have many more years to spend with this beautiful cat!